
June 30, 2018

Uber welcomes women drivers in Saudi Arabia with a multi-market content campaign
July 04, 2018
On June 24th, women in Saudi Arabia were able to drive in their country for the very first time. To mark this historic occasion Uber wanted to give their female drivers the chance to be the first to congratulate them. To do this, they enlisted our help to create a suite of content assets featuring female Uber drivers from 12 cities across the world.

中天 | 情侶吵架壓力大…找心理醫生協助 最後這樣「神解決」讓網全笑噴!
June 11, 2017

中天 | 當另一半迷上LOL…她「這招神反擊」讓男友秒閉嘴 網看完全笑歪!
May 21, 2017